Friday, January 15, 2010

“Philosopher Artists” features artists bringing into consciousness ideas not yet considered and Art showing ways to untried territories.  Open discussion is held regarding the thresholds to the field of possibilities that our journeys as Philosopher/Artists, Artist/Philosophers bring. 
I am deeply indebted to my professors at the European Graduate School in Saas-Fee, Wallis, Switzerland who have helped me on my doctoral journey.  It is this journey that enabled me to start a blog such as this. Methods of Transmittal: How are we are forming spaces of dialog about the issues/ideas/concepts we are espousing? Thoughts and postings about exhibitions, theatrical events, concerts, curating, programming, blogging, websites, interventions and other methodologies of transmittal will be discussed.  How will you be opening, creating, shaping, forming, and aggregating dialogs? How are you developing a heuristic, an intuitive judgment, a method, or process?
CounterThinking: We will be attempting a grasping of the concept of counter-thinking our arguments and a constructive deconstruction of our suppositions.
Approaches: We will be attempting approaches towards evolving new modes to knowledge through creativity in conjunction with/or in opposition to critical thinking and analytical reasoning. How do we make an argument and defend it? What choices are we making here?
        an ontological approach: the branch of metaphysics that studies the nature of existence or being as such. The ultimate nature of reality, being, and the world.
        or an epistemological approach:  a theory of knowledge
        or a dialectical approach: logical argumentation : thesis, antithesis, synthesis// or argument, exposition,  conclusion
        or empirical approaches: relying on experience or observation alone often without due regard for system and theory
        metaphysical approaches: time, space, God, cause, reality
        ethics: morality good, bad
        aesthetics: art & beauty
        political philosophy:
        social philosophy: questions about social behavior (typically, of humans addressing a wide range of subjects, from individual meanings to legitimacy of laws, from the social contract to criteria for revolution, from the functions of everyday actions to the effects of science on culture, from changes in human demographics to the collective order of a wasp's nest.
        Or new types of investigation brought on by and revealed by creative artistic inquiry and research? ……
        Possibly combining media theory, philosophical, critical, literary and political texts
Readings of possible interest:
Mahr, Peter. Philosopher-Artists, Artist-Philosophers? A Double Review with Four Footnotes
The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception, Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer
Fifteen Theses on Contemporary Art, Alain Badiou
Art &  Philosophy, Alain Badiou
The Matrixial Borderspace, Bracha Ettinger Foreword by Judith Butler, Introduction by Griselda Pollock, Edited and with an afterword by Brian Massumi
Also please see Atropos Press for recently released titles.


  1. “…Art is a place of struggle against a dominant threat of conformity and passivity”.
    Theodore Adorno

  2. “…philosophy limps….and this limping of philosophy is its virtue.”
    Maurice Merleau-Ponty
